

About Directors

Steering the ship at Euro Global Bharat are the visionary leaders, Mr. Yuvraj Bhakta and Mr. Prandav Bhakta. As second-generation founders who ventured early into the realm of entrepreneurship, they embody a perfect blend of seasoned wisdom and contemporary dynamism. As young founders, their fresh and nuanced perspective allows them to keenly identify pain points and craft effective solutions with remarkable agility. With them at the helm, comes an impeccable convergence of operational excellence, flawless execution and strategic acumen propelled by innovation. Moreover, their commitment to a value-driven mission underscores their dedication to making a positive impact on society. To them, Euro Global Bharat is not just a business; it’s a force for positive change! With their leadership, rest assured that your future is entrusted to capable hands, fuelled by experience and a relentless pursuit of excellence.